
The Secret of Doing Better

So the old saying goes…”When you know better, you do better”.


Well, I don’t know if I fully concur with that statement. I would venture to say most of us “know” plenty. I don’t think we have a knowledge problem but more of an application problem. There is another saying. “Knowledge is Power”.


Well yeah, knowledge is power but only if it’s put to use. Where I live, in the Mid-Atlantic it’s starting to get cold in the evenings. Now my furnace itself is in great condition and functioning well. My natural gas supplier has sent the gas to my home. But if I don’t go to the thermostat and turn it on to begin the heating cycle I will remain cold. So what good is the power if it isn’t accessed and applied?


It’s Wellness Wednesday here on the blog and it is my goal to inspire you to honor your temple through proper nourishment, rest and exercise. This truth is one of the three pillars on which I’ve built Inspired Life. But guess what? There are times, even with the vast encyclopedias worth of knowledge I have in my head that I just don’t want to do what I know is right. Half the time I don’t want to exercise. I want to in my head, but making that happen with a 3 school age children, preschooler, a toddler, 2 loads of laundry, cooking for 8 people, and walls to wipe down, and floors to sweep and bank runs to make and on and on all in one day. Whew! You see there went my motivation to workout.


The same can be said for eating right. Well, most days I do want to eat right. But after my hands get raw and cracked from having them in water so much from all the produce I handle daily and the cooking and chopping, and cooking some more and washing and peeling, man I would really like the luxury to just throw a frozen family sized entrée in the oven. Some days I would like to just eat 4 slices of pizza. When I am in the grocery store and I look into the cart of the person behind me and hers is filled with soda, frozen dinners, chips, Lunchables, Rice-A-Roni and more, I think “Why can’t I just do like that instead of reading every food label, and picking, picking, and picking over produce and worrying about GMO (Genetically Modified Organism). ”


BUT…then I am reminded of this.


Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin. James 4:17


I don’t now about you, but I don’t desire to willfully disobey God. As such, since I know better, I MUST do better. And by the power that works in me, I am capable of doing better. As it relates to honoring my temple, I cannot feign ignorance to the knowledge God has made known.

Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20


So what does it take to do better?




So I guess the secret of doing better isn’t a secret at all. It’s just a matter of being disciplined enough to make the best choice. The spirit at work in us enables us to choose well. And choosing well doesn’t necessarily mean exercising everyday or else you’ll be morbidly obese. Nor does it mean eat healthy every day or else you’ll die of heart disease, that’s being legalistic. But it does mean that I purpose I will choose well. It means I will be self-disciplined. Instead of 4 slices of pizza, maybe I’ll eat one or even a half because all I want to do is satisfy that initial hot, salty, cheesy longing. It means that occasionally my family will eat dinner from the Chinese restaurant. It means that even if I don’t feel like exercising because everything else is competing for my attention, I will give my body back 30 minutes of exercise for the 1440 minutes God has given me today.


No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11


What will you do today to be disciplined?


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!


Why Videos Go Viral

I bet you’ve seen it. Don’t lie. “Cha-lie bit me! Ouch Cha-lie Oww!” As of 11/9/2014, it has been viewed 795, 377, 122. Yes, nearly 8 MILLION views of one child biting another’s finger. I have 5 children over here, so you can imagine the footage we could capture. And the thought that a kid’s bitten finger could evoke such a response is actually quite astounding.

From a girl fight to a baby announcement. From a celebrity riding naked on a wrecking ball to men eating like animals. From “What Does The Fox Say?” to the most current viral video, an 80’s sitcom show parody called Too Many Cooks that is actually an 11-minute show intro. And another recent one, a baby announcement that has nearly 1 million views in less than a month.

So what makes people enthralled in the macabre, bizarre and down right foolish? Why do videos go viral? Well there are at least 3 keys to any viral video.

Power Play
What propels a video? Someone with clout says it’s of value, such as a popular musician or actor. When someone with ‘credibility’ says it’s good, and then the masses follow and believe, yes this is good. Thus spawns the almost instant success of the video.

Well if you listen to The ONE with real clout, what He says about you should spawn something worth sharing. He says you are fearfully and wonderfully made. He says you are His friend. He says you are the apple of His eye. He says He loves you with an everlasting love. And friends to me that is news worth sharing. That is news worth Tweeting, Facebooking, and Instagraming.

When videos go viral they are often copied and parodied. Everyone wants to get in on the action; giving their unique spin, style and flair to the video that has already gone viral; which can then spark another viral movement. Everyone longs to be a part of something big…something special.

Imagine the impact Believers could have if they truly imitated Christ and that crazy, radical love was duplicated and shared nearly 8 Million times like Charlie Bit Me? Imagine if Believers would carry out the great commandment to love one another and coupled that with the great commission to go and make disciples. Carrying out the commission while demonstrating the commandment, the movement could change the planet.

My church, The First Baptist Church of Glenarden, did this recently in conjunction with our Women’s Conference. The theme of the conference was He Loves Me. It was an effort to carry out the commission by demonstrating the commandment. We went on a love tour going into local middle and high schools, holding flash mobs around the city and performing random acts of love. Indeed the love was infectious. Just like a virus invades, the love of Christ that is in you could invade the community and go viral. What if we did the insane, ridiculous and crazy in the name of love? What would that crazy love look like? How quickly would it spread? In just a short period of time, one video, the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge raised over $100 Million. I would venture to say LOVE has no cap; no end and can overflow until…

Strong Emotion
In order for a video to go viral it must also evoke intense emotion; whether joy or pain as evidenced in the announcement of the birth or the brutality of a fight.
We all want to believe in fairy tale romantic love. We are all acquainted with joy, fear and anguish. Social scientists say watching such videos has us in a heightened emotional state and in that state we are more susceptible to share what we’ve watched.

When you watch the events of your own life, do they cause intense emotion? Right in the midst of that raw emotion, the Lord has been ever present, watching the events of your life go viral. He wants that emotion to compel you to share the wondrous works He’s performed on your behalf. He wants you to Tweet and Instagram how He loved you, kept you, protected you and provided for you.

World pop star Justin Beiber was discovered on YouTube. A few years ago, he became the first person to reach 2 Billion views. In fact, he even had 94 Million views in one month alone! Oh dear friends, to what extent can we go viral with the power of the Lord of the universe working inside of each of us?

What can you do today to make your faith go viral? We’ve been commanded to love. We’ve been commissioned to make disciples. Obey Him and go viral today.

So please excuse me while I GO VIRAL starting by looking each of my children directly in the eye, telling them I love them and I’m proud of the young people God is molding and shaping them into and wrapping that all up in a big embrace.

Until next time, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired to Live Fully.



I’m Doing Away With Thanksgiving

Well actually…I’m reframing Thanksgiving to pursue a lifestyle of thanksliving and I urge you to join me as we as embark on a…
20-Day Countdown: Embracing Thanksliving

Thanksliving: Maintaining a heart of gratitude and thankfulness for every blessing received.

For the next 20 days I’ll post daily Thanksliving inspiration on my Facebook fan page. Then the week of Thanksgiving, I’ll post in depth coping strategies, how to’s, recipes and more on my blog. If you aren’t receiving the blog posts via email, please visit www.inspiredtolivefully.com today. Go to the blog link, fill in your email address and simply click the green button that says Get Inspired. I want you to be INTENTIONAL about following the posts that entire week. Please don’t get lost in holiday pomp and circumstance or Black Friday sales that you miss reading a post. Remember our goal is Thanksliving: reducing stress and living an Inspired Life.

Day 1: Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
And when you offer a sacrifice of thanksgiving to the Lord, offer it of your own free will. Leviticus 22:29

When you extend thanks to the Lord for ALL He has done for you, do so voluntary, from your heart with joy and gratitude. No one needs to beg you to give thanks. Even me writing this here is not to try to make you give thanks but serves as a gentle reminder to posture yourself for thanksliving. And when you give thanks, do so lavishly and cheerfully.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Today, record at least 5 things for which you are grateful. You will do this each day leading up to Thanksgiving. You can do this in a journal, notes on your phone, or there is even an app called 1000 Gifts that lets you keep track of what you’re grateful for (you can even add photos). Whatever method you choose, write it down.

Thanksliving: Reducing stress, embracing the Inspired Life

I’m thankful for our next 20 days together.



Broccoli in Garlic Sauce

Save your money and eat at home tonight. Everyone in my house loves Chinese Food. And what’s not to love about it? The flavors tantalize the palette with the perfect balance of salty, sweet, and acidic. Here is an easy healthy recipe that’s in regular rotation in my home. The bonus is the dressing has multiple uses i.e. add Sriracha and have Szechuan String beans, use as a marinade, add peanut butter and make Sesame Noodles. The options are almost endless.

Broccoli in Garlic Sauce
1 lb broccoli
2 large carrots
4 sprigs scallion sliced on bias
4 large cloves garlic peeled and minced
1 tbsp ginger grated
2 tbsp olive oil
2 tsp sesame oil
¼ cup soy sauce (or a little less, to taste)
¼ cup water
1 tbsp cornstarch
1 tsp honey (optional)

Bring a pot of water to boil. Trim broccoli into florets. Peel and cut on bias into ¼ in slices. Blanch broccoli and carrots by placing into boiling water for 2-3 minutes. While the broccoli is cooking, prepare the liquid for the sauce. In a bowl combine soy sauce, water, sesame oil, garlic, and ginger. Whisk to combine. In a separate small bowl, whisk together cornstarch and 2 tbsp water. Remove broccoli from pot and place in an ice bath (large bowl filled with ice water). This will preserve the bright green color and stop the cooking. Drain and set aside. In a wok heat the olive oil over medium. Add broccoli/carrot and sauté for 3 minutes. Pour soy dressing in wok. Toss. Add cornstarch mixture. Sauce will begin to thicken. Add scallion and cook additional minute. Serve with brown rice. Enjoy!IMG_7459.JPG


For the Rest of My Life

“Excuse me…but…um.  Do you know you have your pants on inside out and backwards?”, he said.  This kind man had pensively approached me while at my son’s Cub Scout meeting to share this news.  I can only imagine his embarrassment at having to break this news to me.  And sure enough, my pants were on inside out and backwards.  And no, I had no idea.  

You see, I had run myself ragged; staying up way too late to tinker, tweak and fine tune the appearance of my soon to be launched website.  Yet my life necessitates that I wake up early so it was a recipe for disaster.

And what would drive an otherwise put together, A-type personality to be out in public with her pants on backward and inside out?


For a moment I had gotten away from properly caring for my temple through rest and I suffered because of it.  I had a headache that lingered for over a week and was out in public looking disheveled (To my defense, I had changed abruptly out of my exercise clothes and hastily grabbed a pair of pants off my closet floor in the dark to race with all 5 children in tow to arrive at Cub Scouts on time).

Proper care of the temple requires nourishment, exercise and REST. Forsaking rest is one of the greatest ways we can sabotage our health.

Rest is defined as: Refreshing ease or inactivity after exertion or labor.  To be free from anxiety or disturbance.

As a mother of 5 young children, I am constantly ‘ON’. I asked God to show me, outside of sleep, what are other ways I can get rest? He answered me saying,” look to these windows of opportunity to turn ‘OFF'”:

~morning quiet time before my family wakes

~peaceful solitude during/after lunch without tv, phone or social media

~a quick snatch early evening even if it’s just gazing out the window or walking slowly to the mailbox and back

~in the evening before bed more peaceful solitude.

Maximizing on these rest opportunities fills me with peace, helps me remain calm and keeps me balanced. It gives my brain an opportunity to give thanks, file my thoughts, and refocus if necessary. These mini siestas are crucial to overall health and wellbeing.  And while they are short snatches of time, they are enough to create room for me to BREATHE.

In her latest book, Breathe, Priscilla Shirer digs into the concept of the Sabbath rest.  She says, “The Sabbath is a pause, a stopping point, a decision to take a break from buying or gathering or producing or accruing or doing or working. It’s the Spirit empowered choice to stop and enjoy God.”

Jesus Himself urges us to CEASE activity and REST.  In Mark 6:31 He says, “Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while”.

So what can you do today to ensure you come aside by yourself and rest a while? Tell me by commenting below.IMG_5448.JPG


Bulking Up

Why do they call it getting ripped?

When you are working to increase muscle mass, you literally have to go through the process of TEARING the flesh.  Muscle building does not occur without first tearing down muscle fibers, the main element of muscle tissue. The increase in muscle mass then occurs when the body repairs the torn muscle fibers. Resistance training and weight training are two ways to initiate the tearing down and building up cycle.

When bulking, up you eat more of the right food at the right time such as protein and carbs before workout.
When bulking up you also want to lift heavier weight.

The same can be said for bulking up spiritually. When I bulk up spiritually I need to feast on more of God’s word; the right word at the right time.  I know I need to sacrifice and wake up earlier to give Him the 1st of my day.  I may need to even turn off Christian radio and tv programming so that I allow Him to speak to me directly from His word.

For my spiritual bulking up I also need to lift heavier weight.  I need to feast not only on the word that is familiar or comfortable but dare myself to dig into scriptures that have challenged me.  When lifting heavier weight I may also need a spotter.  Who is your spiritual spotter?  Who is there to hold you accountable? Who is there to challenge you to do just.one.more.rep; to believe God just one more time? And when you get weary and can long longer hold that weight, who is there to help you lift it?  Moses had Aaron and Hur.  Where are your Aaron and Hur?

So what will grow bigger; your fear or your faith? Whichever you feed and use will grow.  I have purposed in my heart to exercise my faith muscle. I won’t suffer from analysis paralysis. I will start before I’m ready, because truthfully I’ll never be ready. The Lord told Abram go to a place I will show you. And Abram swiftly, obediently went.

I will move from comfort zone to STRETCH zone.

Will you join me today in living in the STRETCH zone?

Your reading of this blog post is evidence of me exercising my faith muscle.  I had lots of fears in bring this blog to fruition. It has actually been 3+ years in the making.  How many lives could I have impacted if fear hadn’t gotten the best of me?  Since I embrace the now moment, I won’t dwell on that but will press ahead in faith.

I made a decision.

Do it afraid.

And guess what?  Even though it is unnerving not knowing what’s coming next, I know whatever “it” is, it will be good because I’m moving in obedience. I am spiritually bulking up.  I’m hitting those weight.  I feel stronger each day.

Singer Stephen Hurd says in his song Through the Eyes of Faith, “You’ve gotta activate your faith”.

What will you do today to activate and exercise your faith muscle?


Eggplant Fries

In as much as I am a foodie, I don’t do squishy, seedy vegetables.  

Whole tomatoes…no.

Until this recipe.  A similar recipe was made for me by a sweet teenage friend after the birth of my 4th child.  Hers were delicious but fried.  So I’ve recreated the recipe to bake instead of fry.

Baked Eggplant Fries

1 large eggplant, cut into 1/4 inch wide wedge fries

3 tbsp warm water

1 tbsp ground flax seed

1/2 tsp salt

1/4 tsp italian seasoning

1/4 tsp garlic powder

1/4 tsp black pepper

1 cup panko bread crumbs

1/2 cup flour

olive oil mister or cooking spray

Preheat oven to 400ºF. Whisk together the warm water and flax seeds (flax egg) in a shallow bowl; set aside. Cut off ends of eggplant, then cut them into 1/4 inch wide wedges. Mix the panko bread crumbs, salt, pepper, italian seasoning, and garlic powder on a plate. Toss the fries in the flour.  Dip the fries in the flax egg then move the fries to the panko on the plate and roll them until completely coated. Repeat for all fries. Place fries on wire rack on a baking sheet and spray generously. Bake for about 25 minutes, until fries are golden brown on the outside.

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