The Well Watered Soul

Recently a mom friend asked, “Am I the only one?” As a mom of 6 whose been a leader in moms ministry for nearly 20 years, I could emphatically say, “You are not alone.”


Perhaps you too have been feeling like that mom friend… Burnt out, overwhelmed, irritable and down right weary. Are your thoughts racing a mile a minute trying to keep up with appointments, assignments and everybody else’s “stuff” while your own soul is parched?


As a busy mama the demands of life will have you stretched to capacity but there is a way you can fulfill your demands while still honoring your own mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being. When you are purposeful to carve out time to pour into yourself, you’re then able to love, give and serve from your overflow. A refreshed soul is able to walk in abundant joy and peace.

Be REFRESHED by joining the 30 day challenge for FREE

That’s why I’m so excited about my upcoming challenge The Well Watered Soul. This 30 day journey is uniquely designed for moms like you who want to show up fully for themselves and their families.

The Well Watered Soul Challenge runs from May 2 - 31, 2024

For 30 day we will fully immerse ourselves in the word and worship allowing our souls to be refreshed and renewed. To sign up for the challenge is absolutely free. At no cost to you, you’ll receive:

  • Access to a private chat with moms like you for daily encouragement & accountability
  • Daily scripture
  • Daily action item
  • Worship playlist
  • Daily encouragement and support from me via GroupMe
  • Closing prayer and praise session via Zoom

And why am I giving all of this for FREE? Because sweet mama, you are worth it. You’ve been leading, serving and giving so much I just want to honor you and give you something because you are so deserving.

You’ve put everyone else on your calendar so NOW is the time to schedule YOU! Sign up HERE to join the free challenge. And invite a friend because we can’t mom alone. It takes a village.)


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