
What you believe is greatly influenced by what you see and hear daily.


And what you constantly rehearse in thought or in deed becomes your truth.


So what do you see and hear daily regarding your health?

  • Trash masquerading as food
  • Fast food advertising on billboards, magazines, and mail inserts
  • Fast food on every corner
  • Vending machines
  • Marketing that entices you to eat more and more and more
  • Drugs to make concession for all the indulging you’ve done
  • Holidays that are built as gluttony monuments
  • Keep working, keep hustling, grind, grind, grind

We must be discerning as to what we see & hear lest we believe and perpetuate the lies. And it would behoove us to take it a step further and ask questions and to search out what’s masked, veiled and not overtly put on display.


Because the lies we believe are killing us.


We don’t see that:

  • The bottle of soda will cause our blood sugar to be elevate not just for the moment but for days to come

  • The amount of sodium in that one fast food meal is more than recommended for two whole days

  • The added hormones in dairy are actually causing our bones to become more porous not stronger

  • All this multitasking and hustling culture in the name of productivity is increasing our levels of anxiety and depression


Our enemy is the father of lies and there is no truth in him. His M.O. is to perpetuate lies, to operate in deceit and to keep God’s people blind to the truth. But I declare that we shall know the truth.


Ask, Seek, and Knock for our God is faithful to answer!


If you’ve been asking, seeking and knocking, He WILL answer. The question is are you open and clear to receive?


Often we cannot see and we cannot hear because we are so clogged up. Our hearing is dull and our vision is blurry because of all the clutter, congestion, constipation, inflammation in the body. It literally dulls all the senses both physically and spiritually.


Let us make this declaration that we will no longer believe the lies. Let us declare that we will remove the cataracts from our eyes and the impacted wax from our ears. Let the lie be dismantled.


The lie that you can continue eating whatever you want, not exercising, not breathing, not fasting, and not praying fervently

The lie that there’s any one magic pill to getting healthy

The lie that you can do anything you want to your body and it will be just fine

The lie that disease is ok and there are pills will fix it 

The lie that it ran in your family so you’re bound to have it too

The lie that you are powerless


May the light of truth shine brightly in your heart.


Remember that the Spirit of Truth guides you into all truth (John 16:3). 


Let us transform our believing and our behavior.


Let us present our bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God. 


Before the holiday season’s debauchery of eating anything and everything with no self-control, no restraint, and no regard, let us pause and examine ourselves and challenge the lies we believe.


Let us walk in truth and in self love. Because we know the truth and the truth shall make us FREE! And whom the Son sets free is free indeed. 


As always, it is my prayer that you’ve been Inspired To Live Fully!

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Tyra Lane-Kingsland is no stranger to inspiring the hearts of women. From her role as a Women’s Ministry Leader to spending over five years as a performance improvement coach and facilitator for a Top Twenty Fortune 500 Company, Tyra has provided encouragement to countless women. As the Founder of Inspired Life she encourages hearts to live fully by delightfully obeying God, embracing the now moment and honoring the temple; the totality of wellness, spirit, mind and body leading to fullness of life.

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